このことがより感じることができたのが、卒業生の方々を対象として先日開催したSelf-Intro Presentation Dayです。今回もSocial Distance、マスク着用等コロナウィルス感染対策を十分に行った上で開催しました。
ベリタスが行うSelf- Introductionのプラクティスは、ただ名前や肩書き等を並べたものではありません。バックグラウンド、価値観、夢、そしてビジネスパーソンとしての将来など様々な視点から自分自身を改めて見直して書いていくものこそがベリタスのSelf- Introductionです。

Veritas Coach
Mai Kawano
When Mai was in university, she studied in the U.S. as an exchange student for one year. Through this experience, Mai got aware of her love for studying, expanding her vision, and working with a diverse group of people. After working at an international airport handling of global logistics system, Mai decided to join VERITAS to follow her passion for supporting people by combining her love for English with the knowledge that she gained through her past experience. Seeing students and other coaches’ efforts continually motivates Mai. As a coach at VERITAS, Mai is eager to be a person who can encourage people around her. Thanks to the VERITAS team, Mai is able to learn about other cultures from her fellow coaches while communicating with students and improving her global communication skills. Mai is very grateful to be a member of the VERITAS team and thrilled at opportunities of growing together with the members of VERITAS.