2021.12.24 Coaching | ベリタス(VERITAS)

Gratitude as an Attitude | コーチブログ | ベリタス(VERITAS)

As the year end is rapidly approaching, it made me think of some practices that I like to do to finish the year on a positive note. Amongst self-reflections and next-year-goal-setting, one practice I especially like is a Gratitude Practice.

We often forget how a simple “Thank you” can radically change the relationship dynamic between people, whether in your personal or professional life.

There is a whole scientific explanation to how gratitude affects our mindset: research by UC Davis psychologist and author Robert Emmons shows that simply keeping a gratitude journal—regularly writing brief reflections on moments for which we’re thankful—can significantly increase well‑being and life satisfaction.

There are many ways to practice gratitude and there are many ways to show it too. As one of our students’ favorite business leaders Howard Shultz says: “A great leader at times has to demonstrate a level of vulnerability and share with people how you really feel.” End of the year is a great time to show your employees and clients your gratitude and share your feelings.

It’s important however, to remember the cultural differences and respect the personal boundaries, for example, in Japan I’ve noticed people are generally more reserved than in Russia and tend to not share their personal life stories. We all have different ways to connect and show the respect but one practice remains universal: Gratitude and being authentic.

I would like to express my gratitude to my brilliant team who supported and motivated me, to all of our students who inspire me with their hard-work and dedication and to myself for keeping the positive mindset no matter what!

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Veritas Coach

Mariia Kovalchuk

Born and raised in a small city of Russia Mariia had bigger dreams of living and working abroad. She knew that English language will open the doors of opportunities so she put a lot of effort into learning the language and soon was admitted into Korea University in Seoul. There she chose to pursue the bachelor of Business Administration conducted in English while also learning Korean language. After graduation Mariia was brought to Japan for an internship where she discovered Veritas. The mission of Veritas to help broaden life opportunities with English language spoke directly to Mariia’s experiences and believes. Here she hopes to inspire and motivate the student as well as her colleagues to not be afraid of the change and live life to the fullest.


