Happy new year to you from all of us at Veritas!
New year brings plenty of optimism and energy. It means a fresh start. A clean slate. Limitless opportunities and possibilities.
In some cultures, there’s a tradition of “New Year’s Resolution”, in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their life at the start of a new year, according to Wikipedia. More simply put: a promise to do something differently in the new year.
New Year’s Resolution has gained popularity worldwide. Many people, myself included, write down a list of things we’d like to accomplish in early January, and hope that they will happen eventually.
Does any of the following sound familiar to you?
– Be a better partner/parent/colleague/boss
– Read more books
– Don’t watch too much Netflix
– Exercise every day and lose weight
– Improve English skills
For a large majority of people, New Year’s Resolution is merely a wish list; never accomplished. However, for a small percentage of people, New Year’s Resolution is an all-in mission statement that they will do everything to ensure it comes true.
Which begs the question: what separate these two groups of people?
While I firmly believe an effective New Year’s Resolution should break down big goals to small actionable measurable tasks: the more concrete and precise they are, the better, I think the main difference lies in the mindsets, especially grit, defined by famed psychologist Angela Duckworth as passion and perseverance for long-term goals.
As a business coach, I’ve been fortunate to witness senior executives commit to our program despite his/her uber-busy schedule. I’ve seen successful managers, some with small children, juggling time to upgrade themselves. I’ve seen young business professionals sacrificing leisure and sleep to pursue bigger things. Their actions are truly admirable and inspiring.
Here at Veritas, we understand pursuing a goal by oneself is difficult. That’s why we create tools to assist our clients track their progress. That’s why we believe in continuous constructive feedback loop. That’s why we make ourselves available to you.
After all, writing down the list is easy. Enjoying the results is nice. It’s the process that is grueling. And you could use an all-in partner.
I wish you resoluteness beyond imagination. May all your goals realized and wishes come true in 2022.

Veritas Coach
Phil Chien
Phil was born and raised in Taiwan until 15, then educated and trained in the US for the next twelve years, where he began building a passion for languages and helping people achieve their potentials: as a sports business consultant assisting athletes and corporations, and as an editor and translator helping authors curate ideas into forms, before moving back to Asia.
Regardless of assignment or industry, he always tries to adhere to the motto: “Are those who I serve better off because of me, and the information, service or product I provide?”
Now in Japan with his wife and two kids, and together with the team at Veritas, Phil hopes to grow as a coach and as a business mind, while helping to inspire clients on their journey to self-development and global leadership.