2022.01.27 About VERITAS | ベリタス(VERITAS)

Being simple is not easy, but it is worth it! | コーチブログ | ベリタス(VERITAS)

In my country France, one good compliment to give to someone is telling them “you are a simple person”. Which means that this person is easy to talk to, anytime, because we can expect them to be the same every time. There is no extra with them.

These people are being simple because they embrace who they are at the core and they are happy with simple things that come up.

Going to the core and knowing yourself is a great way to feel satisfied with who you are and knowing that you don’t need anything more, because you are amazing already!

Such as you are enough. Your core message is enough. Adding up to it will make you lose its impact.

Sometimes we are very excited about everything we want to share and we tend to add more and more information, because we know so much, want to share so much and not forget any detail!

Saying less is powerful. You show you are comfortable with silence and you know that your message is enough.

We want to step back from this massive flow of ideas and information and ask ourselves:
– What is the core of my message?
– What do I want people to really understand once the discussion is over?
– What will they remember once they finish reading my message?
– If use 20 words, can I share the same idea using 10 words or less?

At Veritas, we help our students get crystal clear on their core opinion. Making it simple means making it easier to remain in people’s memories. Once again, being simple is not easy, it will take time for you to become simple in your writing and speaking but it is definitely worth the try if we want to be impactful!

If you want to know more about some tips on being clearer, you can check this blog I wrote:
Clarity beats fluency all the time

Veritas Coach

Olivia Fougerais

Olivia was born and raised in the Loire Valley in France, she majored in International and European business law. Passionate about languages and multiculturalism, she decided to take the opportunity to live in Tokyo for a semester as an exchange student in Chuo University. Once back to France, she worked as an in-house legal counsel in contract and business law. Slowly missing living abroad within an international environment, she then decided to build her own opportunity and go back to Japan in a move to become fluent in Japanese. This is when she joined Veritas, feeling highly motivated about the value it creates to its clients and willingness to contribute to the goals of Japanese’s ambitious leaders of tomorrow.


